Picture Gallery
Most of the group pictures can be accessed by clicking the link to the different picture galleries below. If you have any pictures of Chapters in the Texas Society that you would like to share please contact Joe Reynolds.
 Dan Duggan, Jr., a member of the MOSB in Brandon, MS shows his authentic Mississippi Rifle used by the Mississippi Riflemen under the command of Col Jefferson Davis in the war with Mexico to SCV Commander Sandy Jackson in Madison, MS recently.

Texas Society Officers receive a Certificate of Recognition from Society Commander
left to right - David McMahon- Adjutant, George Williamson - Lt. Commander, Michael Smith - Chief of Staff, Peter Baron - Genealogist, James Newsom - Chaplain, William Elliott - Sergeant at Arms, Lee Lance - Awards Chairman, Dale Tidwell - Graves Administrator, Joe Reynolds - Society Commander

NC MOS&B members attend the 2022 NC Sons of Confederate Veterans annual Reunion
in Gastonia, NC. Back row: Stonewall Jackson, Robert E Lee, Gary Hal, Byron Brady. Front row: Troy Johnson, Bruce Cloninger, Darwin Roseman, Robbie Broyles, Ron Perdue, Howard Talley, Jerry Austin.
 Commander Scott K. Gilbert, Jr. of the Lt. General William J. Hardee Chapter #143, Georgia Society speaking at the Annual Robert E. Lee Birthday Commemoration and Officer Installment Dinner for The Old Guard of the Gate City Guard in Atlanta, Georgia.
 Georgia Society Lt. Commander Kelly Barrow, Compatriot William Barrow, and Scott Gilbert, Commander, Hardee Chapter #143, Georgia Society at Alexander H. Stephens State Park, Sat., Feb. 5th, for the annual birthday observation of Vice-President Stephens.
 Commander General Byron E. Brady Charters our newest Chapter, the Col. Briscoe Gerard Baldwin, Jr. Chapter 312.
 MOS&B "Sul" Ross Chapter members at the Sons of American Revolution annual banquet held at the Petroleum Club in San Antonio. left to right... Dick Weitzel, Max Strozier, Peter Baron, Sanford Reed, Judge Ed Butler, and Yancey Swearingen.
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