Q - When was the Military Order of The Stars and Bars first organized?
A - We have a brief history of the MOS&B on the About page..
Q - Who should I contact for questions about local activities?
A - You should use the Contact form. Please check to make sure that your email address is correct..
Q - When was the Military Order of The Stars and Bars first organized?
A - We have a brief history of the MOS&B on the About page.
Q - Where can I get a Member Medal, MOS&B window decal, and other MOS&B items?
A - Those items and more can be purchased through the MOS&B Web Store..
Q - I joined under one ancestor, but family tradition tells of a connection to Robert E. Lee (or some other noted officer). Can I get a membership certificate showing that connection?
A - The Military Order of the Stars and Bars accepts collateral relationships for membership. The Collaterals web page has more information about this..
Q - I would like to fly the Confederate flag at my home. What is the proper and respectful way to do that?
A - The Military Order of The Stars and Bars has adopted the Code of Confederate Flag Etiquette as the authoritative guide to that. You should find the answer to most questions in that document..
Q - How do I renew my membership?
A - Submit your check for $45.00 made payable to MOS&B and mail to:
P O Box 697
Nixa, MO 65714-0697
Be sure to write your member number on your check in the Memo field.
"The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth."
- - - General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson |