Welcome to the official website of the Colonel Richard Bennett Hubbard Chapter 261, Military Order of the Stars and Bars. We hope you enjoy your visit here, tell your friends about us, and come back often. We invite you to check the requirement of membership and if you're eligible, we'd love to have you join us.
The War of Between the States produced some of the most outstanding civil and military leaders in the history of mankind. To perpetuate the idealism that animated the Confederate Cause and to honor the courage, devotion and endurance of those who dedicated their lives and services during four years of devastating war, and who, throughout the dreadful decade of reconstruction, labored heroically for the restoration of self-government as the most precious heritage of the American Revolution, male descendants of the officers who honorably served in the Army, Navy and other commands of the Confederate States of America and male descendants of the elected and appointed officials of the Confederate Executive and Legislative branches of government unite to establish The Military Order of the Stars and Bars, a patriotic Society. This Preamble shall not be subject to amendment or change.

"All that was, or is now, desired is that error and injustice be excluded from the text-books of the schools and from the literature brought into our homes; that the truth be told, without exaggeration and without omission; truth for its own sake and for the sake of honest history, and that the generations to come after us not be left to bear the burden of shame and dishonor unrighteously laid upon the name of their noble sires."
Rev. James Power Smith,
Last Survivor of the Staff of Lt. General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson

2022 Distinguished Chapter Award

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