Hood's Texas Brigade Flag     Hood's Texas Brigade Association, Re-Activated


Picture Gallery 1

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Bibles carved by J.W. Allen, 4th Texas Charles Wachter with Derringer of W. H. Howdy Martin Confederate Flag Flies in Marathon, Texas, December 2007 Dr. Richard McCaslin, speaking at the 2008 Seminar Ed Bearss and Richard McCaslin study maps from the Texas General Land Office at the 2009 Seminar
Ezmy Taylor of Georgetown, Texas, Co. E. 4th Texas Grave marker of George Washington Carlton, Co. H., 1st Texas Hood's Texas Brigade Association Display at MOSB Meeting 2006 Hood's Texas Brigade Association, Re-Activated Meeting November 2006
Jeanne Stovall at Navarro College Marker Dedication, Fall 2007 Joe Walker of Waco, Texas, with his Exhibit at the 2009 Seminar Marker Dedication for Company I, 4th Texas Brigade, Corsicana, Texas, Fall 2007 Marker for Captain Sam A. Willson, Co. F 1st Texas Infantry, buried at the Cedar Hill Cemetery in Rusk, Texas, photo courtesy of Joe Allport Mr. and Mrs Sam Willson before the War, photo courtesy of Joe Allport
Robert N. Jones, Jr. at the HTBAR exhibit at the 2009 Seminar. The June 5th 2009 Tour of Oakwood Cemetery, Waco, Texas