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Current Society Officers

The Texas Society of the Military Order of the Stars and Bars elects officers at our Annual Convention every other year and their term of office is from the end of that Convention until the one held two years later. The current officers are listed below.

Commander: George Ward Williamson

Lieutenant Commander: David Paul McMahon

Chief of Staff: Col. Michael William Gray

Adjutant: Robert Stevens Melton

Communications Officer: David Paul McMahon

Judge Advocate: Michael Arthur Smith

Inspector General: Philip Donald Whitley

Parliamentarian: David Underdown

Genealogist: Charles C. Hand, IV

Surgeon General: Dr. John Burdine

Sergeant at Arms: Michael S. Gonzales

Chaplain: Raymond Holder

Web Master: Larry "Joe" Reynolds

Newsletter Editor: George Ward Williamson

Awards Committee Chairman: Larry "Joe" Reynolds

Graves Administrator: Dale Dempsy Tidwell

Scholarship Committee Chairman: Michael S. Gonzales

See Past Society Commanders

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