Extracts from
Reynolds and McGuire Ancestors
by William W. Reynolds
© 1992 Reynolds Family Association
1 Thomas Reynolds of York County, VA, who lived in the vicinity of Queen's Creek, just northeast of present-day Williamsburg, was probably the immigrant ancestor. He was born by about 1620. He had married Susan Snead, daughter of Samuel Snead of Queen's Creek, by March 23, 1652. On that date, Samuel Snead deeded to Thomas Reynolds a gift of 45 acres on the west side of his plantation on Queen's Creek. (York County Deeds and Orders, Book 1, p142.)
Just when Thomas Reynolds arrived in Virginia is unknown since people of that name are recorded as being transported to VA in 1635, 1637, and 1645, and since there was a Thomas Reynolds residing in nearby Charles City County during the period 1655-1664. J.C. Hotten, in The Original Lists of Persons of Quality 1600-1700, shows Thomas Reinolds, age 15, to be transported to VA in the "Safety" 10 Aug 1635. G.C. Greer in Early Virginia Immigrants, shows Thos. Reynolds transported to Charles River County in 1637. York County Deeds and Orders, Book 2, p55 shows Thomas Reynolds on a list of people transported to VA by 1645. Charles City County Order Book 1655-1665, pp20, 551 mentions Thomas Reynolds in that county.
Further uncertainty is introduced by the fact that a William Reynolds, planter, patented 200 acres on Queen's Creek in Charles River (York, after 1643) County on 15 Aug 1637, and sold it 15 Oct 1640. (York County Deeds and Orders, Book 1, p64.) He could have been the father (or brother, or neither!) of Thomas Reynolds since they apparently resided in the same vicinity, and if he was, Thomas was quite possibly born in VA. Very little is known of this William Reynolds, and he may even have perished in the Indian massacre of 18 Apr 1644, in which over 500 Virginians died.
Thomas Reynolds resided in York County probably until his death, which had occurred by 19 Oct 1671. On that date, records show that Thomas Reynolds of Blisland Parish, New Kent County, son of Thomas Reynolds, late of Queen's Creek, York County, with the consent of Susan Peace, late wife of Thomas Reynolds, deceased, deeded to Daniel Wyld of York County the land given to his father by Samuel Snead. Evidently, Thomas Reynolds (the father) had died prior to 1671 and his wife, Susan, had remarried a man named Peace. (York County Deeds, Orders, Wills, Book 4, p162.)
2 Thomas Reynolds (Thomas1), son of Thomas and Susan (Snead) Reynolds, was born about 1653 in York County VA. This date is based on his having to have the consent of his mother to sell land in 1671 (i.e., born after 1650), and the gift of land to his father in 1652, which may have been a wedding present. T.J. Wertenbaker in the appendix to The Planters of Colonial Virginia gives the 1704 Quit Rent Rolls for each county. Thomas, Jonah (or Jonas), and Samuel Reynolds are shown in New Kent County. The last two may have been brothers. Thomas died some time after 1704, and possibly by 1711 as one researcher as postulated, in New Kent County, VA. Mrs. J.B. Boddie, in Historical Southern Families, Vol XIV, p204, postulates this Thomas Reynolds died between 1708 and 1711 since a supposed son, who is mentioned prior to this period as Thomas Reynolds, Jr., no longer uses "Jr." after his name after this period. It was not uncommon for a son to do this after his father's death, since the "Jr." was primarily to distinguish between father and son (or, any two people) of the same name.
Thomas Reynolds married Mary ____, about whom nothing is known, probably in New Kent County, about 1680. (C.G. Chamberlayne, The Vestry Book and Register of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent and James City Counties, Virginia, 1648-1786, pp388-389, 392.) Little is known of this Thomas Reynolds, beyond the fact that he had moved to New Kent County by 1671 (York County Deeds, Orders, Wills, Book 4, p162) and was granted 252 acres on the north side of Black Creek on 25 Oct 1695, as indicated by Virginia Land Patent Book 9, p 25.
Also, in November 1674, he witnessed the will of one Henry Henderson, possibly a neighbor, of New Kent County ("Virginia Magazine of History and Biography", Vol 12, p180). Since tobacco was the chief crop of Virginia at that time, he probably raised that crop on his 252 acres.
Issue identified in Chamberlayne (The Vestry Book...)
i. John, bapt. 18 Feb 1684.
ii. Will, bapt. 13 Jun 1686.
iii. Judith, bapt. 19 Jul 1688.
iv. Elizabeth bapt 15 Mar 1690/1.
v. Jane.
vi. Leticia, bapt 4 Apr 1897.
vii. Phillip, bapt 15 Oct 1699.
Mrs. J. B. Boddie (Historical Southern Families) believes an eighth child, Thomas Reynolds, Jr., was born about 1682. No baptismal record appears in the Register, so this cannot be determined for certain.
3. Phillip Reynolds, Sr (Thomas2 Thomas1), son of Thomas and Mary (____) Reynolds, was born in 1699 in New Kent County, VA, and died after 9 Dec 1776, probably in Louisa County VA. He married Susanna ____, about whom nothing is known, probably in Hanover County, VA about 1725-30. Louisa County Deed Book E, pp123-124, gives a deed from Phillip Reynolds and "Susanna his wife" to Robert Baber, dated 9 Dec 1776.
[Mr. Reynolds continues this family in his well documented book, which is out of print.]