Henry Reynolds of Chichester, Pennsylvania
compiled by Marilyn J. Newton
in collaboration with Eugenia Cloud
© Reynolds Family Association, 1992
[Because this line is a Quaker line it seems important to place abbreviations and localities at the beginning rather than the end of the articles.]
FBG - Friends Burial Ground
gct - granted certificate to transfer membership from one monthly meeting to another.
mcd - married contrary to discipline: married to a Quaker by a civil ceremony
MH - meeting house
MM - monthly meeting: business meeting for the congregation which controlled the activity of the individual members. Recorded births, deaths and marriages.
mou - married out of unity: married to a non-Quaker.
mtg - meeting. Marriages never were accomplished on First day meetings. Unless a special meeting was appointed, marriages took place at the midweek service after the MM in which the marriage was approved.
(N.S.) - new style. Refers to dates using Gregorian calendar, our present calendar. Prior to 1751, the colonies used the Julian calendar which starts the new year on March 25. This is why it is important to maintain dates as written because 2nd month could be February or April depending upon the calendar the recorder was using.
RFA - Reynolds Family Association
rocf - received on certificate from: Transfer received from one monthly meeting to another.
Cane Creek MM, Orange Co., NC (now Alamance Co.)
Center MM, Guilford Co., NC
Cherry Grove MM, Randolph Co., IN
Chester MM, Delaware Co., PA (Chester Co., PA until 1789), became Upland MM
Chichester MM, Upper Chichester Twp., Delaware Co., PA, (Chester Co, until 1789), became Concord MM in 1800
Concord MM, meeting house at Concordville, Delaware Co., PA, name changed from Chichester to Concord in 1800
Concord MM, Belmont Co., OH
East Nottingham (E. Nott. Mtg) Mtg, East Nottingham Twp., Chester Co., PA. After 1767 located in Cecil Co. MD (now Calvert Co., MD). Formed Nottingham MM with W. Nott. Mtg.
Eastland Mtg, Little Britain Twp., Lancaster Co., PA
Flushing MM, Belmont Co., OH
Goshen MM, Chester Co., PA
Honey Creek MM, Vigo Co., IN
Kennett MM, MH is near Kennett Square, Chester Co., PA. Name changed from Newark to Kennett in 1760.
Little Britain MM, Little Britain Twp. (now Fulton Twp.), Lancaster Co., PA. Now known as Penn Hill.
London Grove MM, West Marlboro Twp., Chester Co., PA
Nettle Creek FBG, Wayne Co., IN
New Garden MM, Guilford Co., NC
New Garden MM, Chester Co., PA
Newberry Mtg, under jurisdiction of Lick Creek MM, Orange Co., IN
Nottingham MM (Nott. MM), formed by combined meetings of W. and E. Nottingham. Formerly in Chester Co., PA, after 1767 located in Cecil Co., MD.
Plymouth-Smithfield MM, Jefferson Co., OH
Springfield MM, Wayne Co., IN
Sugar Grove FBG, Hendricks Co., IN
West Nottingham (W. Nott. Mtg) Mtg, West Nottingham Twp., Chester Co., PA. After 1767 located in Cecil Co., MD (now near Harrisville, MD). Formed Nottingham MM with East Nott.
Westland MM, Washington Co., PA
The English Connections
Many people can trace their ancestry back to Henry Reynolds, who immigrated from England to settle in Chichester PA. Henry's descendants were pioneers in many areas of the United States. His descendants can be traced in PA, NC, OH, IN and points west. Note: A list of abbreviations used and locations of Quaker Monthly Meetings follows this genealogy on page 655.
A. WILLIAM REYNOLDS was born in Kent, England. Research in English records has been unable to locate any source listing William's father. William married 1644-Mar-6, St. Pancras Parish, Chichester, Sussex, England, to Margaret Exton who was baptized 1625-Feb-5, St. Pancras Parish, dt. of John & Alis (Fivins) Exton. William is recorded as the Paymaster to the Garrison of Chichester. The will of William Reynolds of St. Pancras without the East Gate, Chichester, Sussex, "gent," dated 1660-Feb-18 was probated 1664-Apr-9 in Prerogative Court of Canterbury, London, which indicates he was either a man of property of held land in more than one ecclesiastical jurisdiction, or both.
Margaret (Exton) Reynolds' second husband was John Carter. Margaret's will, dated 1684-Dec-8, was probated 1688-Oct-15.
No primary sources have been located to indicate William came to America. Since his children's births from 1645-1655 are recorded at Chichester, England, and his will, dated 1660, lists his residence as Chichester, England, it is very unlikely he immigrated to America.
Children of William and Margaret (Exton) Reynolds:
i. Margaret Reynolds: b. 1645-Dec-4, St. Andrews Parish, Chichester, Sussex; m. Joshua Kinch.
ii. Elizabeth Reynolds: b. 1646/7-Feb-24, buried 1647-Dec-26, St. Peters, Chichester, Sussex.
iii. John Reynolds: bap. 1650-Oct-25, St. Pancras Parish.
iv. Francis Reynolds: b. 1652-Oct-27, St. Pancras Parish; m. 1681-Jan-23, Mary Mowbrook 1.
v. Henry Reynolds, which see, below.
vi. William Reynolds: mentioned in his father's will.
vii. Mary Reynolds: b. 1657-Jun-10, d. before 1660.
viii. Samuel Reynolds: mentioned in his father's will.
ix. James Reynolds: mentioned in his father's will.