Chapter 3.3
The Sister of Christopher Reynolds of Isle of Wight VA?
by Susan E. Clement and Sybil R. Taylor
© 1992 Reynolds Family Association
Reynolds History Annotated (1475-1977)
Compiled by William Glasgow Reynolds
Copyright 1978 by W.G. Reynolds
Rockville MD: Mercury Press, 1978
1. Henry Pierce
b c 1475 Somersetshire, England [480]
d __
m Ann ___ 1495
  c. Richard (I)
2.Richard Pierce (I)
b 1499 Somersetshire, England [480]
d __
m Elizabeth ___ 1524
c. William (I) and Alice [480]
3. William Pierce (I) [480] b 1528 Dorsetshire, England d ____ m ___ 1548 c. William Pierce (II) |
3 (a)Alice Pierce, [484] b 1530 Dorsetshire, England d ____ m. Joseph Phippen [485] c: Robert Phippen |
4. William Pierce (II) [480] b 1550 Dorsetshire, England d ____ m ___ 1571 c. William Pierce (III) |
4(a) Robert Phippen b. 1552 Dorsetshire, England d ____ m. Cecily Jordan (I) 1571 dau of Thomas Jordan (I) of Dorsetshire, England [487] c: Cecily Phippen |
5. William Pierce (III) [480] b 1573 Dorsetshire, England d after 1655 [489] m 1st Joan d 1630 [490] c. Jane (I)d. ____ m 2nd Mary (Bourne II) Bennett [491] c. Thomas [492] |
5(a) Cecily Phippen b. 1575 Dorsetshire, England [487] d. ____ m. Thomas Reynolds (II) [493] c: Cecily and Christopher (III) |
6. Jane Pierce [494] b 1595 Dorsetshire, England d ___ m as his 3d wife, 1619 John Rolfe (II) who d 1622 c. Elizabeth |
6(a) Cecily Reynolds [495] b. 1600 Dorsetshire, England d. After 1659, VA m. 1st Thomas Baily 1615 c: Temperance Bailey m. 2nd Samuel Jordan [496] c: Mary Jordan Margaret Jordan [497] Richard Jordan m. 3rd William Farrar (I) c. William Farrar (II) John Farrar m. 4th Peter Montague c: Seven (names unknown) m. 5th Thomas Parker [no issue] |
[480] | William Pierce (VIII) Personal Correspondence on the Pierce Family of England, Jun 13, 1964. |
[484] | Ray, Index to Hathaway's NC Historical and Genealogical Register, pp135 - 136. |
[485] | Ray, Index to Hathaway's NC Historical and Genealogical Register, p135 states that "...Robert Phippen was the son of one Joseph Phippen whose mother was Alice Pierce." |
[489] | Boddie, Colonial Surry, p51, states that "Captain Pierce's final end is not known." He was living on Mulberry Island in Warwich County as late as 21 Jan 1655. Warwick Co. Wills, Book I, p116. Unfortunately, the Warwick Co. records after that date have been destroyed. |
[487] | Ray, Index to Hathaway's NC Historical and Genealogical Register, p135, says further that "The grandfather of Cecily was Thomas Jordan (I), of Dorsetshire, ENG. His dau, the mother of Cecily, married a Reynolds -- Thomas (II). Her mother's maiden name was Cecily Phippen, dau of Robert Phippen. Her grandmother's maiden name was Cecily Jordan (I)." |
[490] | Boddie, Colonial Surry, p50, says that wife Joan Pierce came to VA on the "Blessing"quot; in 1610. She was listed as a survivor in the muster taken after the 1622 Indian massacre. Cf. Hotten, Lists of Emigrants to America - 1600 - 1700, p224. She was also with Captain Pierce on a mission to London in 1629. She died shortly afterward in 1630. Boddie, Colonial Surry, p50. |
[491] | Relict of Edward Bennett, dau of Jasper & Mary Bourne (I) of Somersetshire ENG. [491] |
[497] | Mary Bourne's family was one of the leading families in Somerset; her first husband a leader in Leyden Church (Puritans)--Boddie, 17th Century Isle of Wight Co VA p34. |
[492] | Boddie, Colonial Surry, p60 refers to Captain Pierce's son "Thomas Pierce, and his grandson William Pierce (IV) living on Mulberry Island with him 21 Jan 1655. Thomas Pierce also had a daughter Jane (II) who [493] Tillman, Reynolds Family 1530-1959, p1, par 1. Cf. Ibid. Note 487, i.e., Ray, Index to Hathaway's NC Historical and Genealogical Register, p135, says further that "The grandfather of Cecily was Thomas Jordan (I), of Dorsetshire, ENG. His dau, the mother of Cecily, married a Reynolds--Thomas (II). Her mother's maiden name was Cecily Phippen, dau of Robert Phippen. Her grandmother's maiden name was Cecily Jordan (I). |
[494] | John Rolfe (II) was the son of John (I) and Dorothea (Mason) Rolfe of Henchecn, Norfolkshire, ENG-- VA Magazine, Vol I, p445. Following the death of Pocahontas, he married in 1619 as his 3d wife Jane (I) daughter of Captain William Pierce (III) and had a daughter Elizabeth born 1620. He is said to have fallen under the tomahawk of the Indians in the Great Massacre of 22 Mar 1622. Captain Pierce (III) served as executor of his son-in-law's will--Boddie, Colonial Surry, p60. |
[495] | Ray, Index to Hathaway's NC Historical and Genealogical Register, p135. |
[496] | Ibid. Note 495, Ray, Index to Hathaway's NC Historical & Genealogical Register, p135: Samuel Jordan...by his first marriage in England...is said to have had three sons Thomas (II) b 1600, Samuel (II), and Robert Jordan (W&M 7, 121) and in all of the genealogical records of these Jordans, each of whom came to VA, there continually comes up the name of a certain Richard Jordan. This was the posthumus child of Cecily by old Samuel Jordan." |
[497] | According to the muster of the inhabdaitants of "Jorns Journey" Plantation taken the 21st of January 1624, Cecily Jordan was then aged 24 -- William Farrar (I) was 31, her daughter Temperance Baily was 7, Mary was 3 and Margaret was 1 -- so Richard apparently arrived late in the year 1624. Hotten, List of Emigrants to America - 1600-1700, pp209-210. -- Worth S. Ray |
by James P.C. Southall in
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
Vol. LI, No. 4, October 1943
Pages 383-386
James P.C. Southall, in "Links In A Chain," wrote of Samuel Jordan and Cicely his wife, and substantiates the information in the foregoing except for Cecily's ancestry. He agrees that Temperance Baley and Mary and Margaret Jordan were Cicely's daughters.
"...it is to be inferred that Mrs. Cicely Jordan was born in 1601 and was therefore a year younger than Samuel Jordan's eldest son. In other words, widower Samuel Jordan who married widow Cicely about 1 December 1620 was old enough to be her father. Whereas the Muster reports that Cicely came to Virginia in the 'Swan' in 1610, we are led to infer from Samuel Jordan's patent that the year was 1611. The latter is evidently correct, for the 'Swan,' the 'Tryall' and the 'Noah' were the three ships of Sir Thomas Gates's fleet which reached Jamestown towards the end of August 1611. Others who came in the 'Swan' with ten-year old Cicely were: Richard Biggs, 41 years old, Thomas Boulding, John Fludd, Gent., Thomas Garnett, servant of Captain William Powell, Lieut. Albiano Lupo, Gent., 40 years old, Thomas Stepney, 35 years old, John Taylor, 37 years old, and Amyle Wayne, 30 years old. Incidentally, Elizabeth Dunthorne, 38 years old, wife of Thomas Dunthorne, Robert Greenleafe, and John Sleight came in the 'Noah,' and Henry Coltman in the 'Tryal,' all at the same time. Lady Gates and her two daughters had accompanied Sir Thomas Gates on this voyage, but Lady Gates died in the West Indies without ever reaching Virginia. Whether any of the individuals above mentioned was related to our Cicely, who were her parents or guardians, and what was her own name, are questions that cannot be answered. Just as the burden of the famous song in the Two Gentlemen of Verona was, Who is Sylvia? so here we ask, but ask in vain, Who was Cicely?"
Southall's references: 19 Nugent, intro, ppxxix et seq , pp 5, 6, 21, 25, 34 [all relative to the names of persons on the three ships]; and 50 V 77.
[1] Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants 1607-1660, A Comprehensive Listing Compiled from English Public Records, p35-46: 16 Feb 1624. List of the names of the living in VA and of those who have died since April 1623 from PRO:CO1/3/5 (Public Record Office, Kew, Richmond, Surry TW9 4DU, England): "At Jordan's Journey. Living: Sislye Jordan; Temperance Bailey; Mary Jordan; Margery Jordan; William Farrar..."
And so we leave the saga of Cecily, with the question we began with: Were she and Christopher sisters?
Additional References:
RFA "Reynolds Recollections," various issues.
RFA "Centennial Collection," 1992.