Reynolds and Crook family of Washington Co., Maryland
by Joseph H. Reynolds, Chicago IL, 1922
©Reynolds Family Association, 1992
The genealogy of this family was originally published in the 1922 RFA Annual. There were also updates and corrections published periodically in subsequent Annuals. These updates have been incorporated into the main article.
The first Reynolds of our line of whom we have any knowledge was born in England about 1681. His Christian name is unknown, but may have been John or Joseph. He married a Miss Crook or Crooks who was born in Wales. They moved to Dublin County, Ireland, near Dublin.
How long he lived in Ireland is not known, but after rearing a family, he and his family emigrated to America and settled on the Swatara River, or Creek, near its junction with the Susquehanna, in what is now known as Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Dauphin County was a part of Lancaster County until March 1785.
We have no record of the time of his arrival in this country, but it is supposed to be about 1725-1730, from the fact that he is said to have had a family previous to emigrating, therefore was probably 45 or 50 years of age on arrival here.
The above supposition is based on the following note left by Joseph Smith Reynolds Sr., b. Feb. 26, 1780, in Washington Co., MD It reads:
"Great-grandmother Reynolds, maiden name Crook, born in Wales of Protestant parents. Great-grandfather Reynolds, born in England of Episcopalian parents, but himself of Presbyterian belief. Emigrated to Ireland near the City of Dublin. Removed to America with his family; settled on the Sweetarrow with the Susquehanna. Grandmother Reynolds, maiden name Elizabeth McKee, born in Ireland, Episcopalian."
John Reynolds (No. 2) was born in Ireland, and in 1744 married Miss Elizabeth McKee in Dauphin Co., PA, or Anne Arundel Co., MD. He first appears in Washington County, MD where under date of July 1, 1761, John Reynolds "of Sharpsburg Hundred" purchased land between the Antietam and the Village of Sharpsburg, known as "Anderson's Delight," containing 212 acres for £235, to which he added later 35 acres of "Abston's Forest."
He was born 1714 and made his will March 22, 1784, which was probated April 13, 1784 at Hagerstown. During the Revolution, January 9, 1777, John Reynolds was appointed by the "Committee of Observation" to appraise wagons, horses, etc., for Col. Joseph Smith's battalion, but resigned the next week.
The above-mentioned homestead dates back to 1748. Its first owner and occupant was Col. Thomas Cresap who obtained it by grant from the land-office of Maryland, October 6, 1748. Cresap sold it to William Anderson December 4, 1750, who disposed of it July 1, 1761 to John Reynolds.
This homestead is situated about the center of the Antietam battlefield of the Civil War, and during the battle, the buildings were struck by shot and shell of which they still bear the marks. One shell pierced the southern end of the dwelling, went up through the parlor ceiling, and was found in the attic.
The Will of John Reynolds (1714-1784)
In the Name of God Amen. I John Reynolds of Sharpsburg Hundred Washington County and State of Maryland being in perfect Strength of Mind and Memory thanks be given to God, and calling to mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to die do make and Ordain this my last will & Testament in Manner and form as following to Wit. I recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian Manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter appointed and as touching such worldly Estate, as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life. I give devise and dispose of the same in Manner and form following Viz'l.
I give and bequeath unto my Son Joseph Reynolds one-half of all my Real Estate in Lands lying in said County & State aforesaid being that part of my Lands now in his possession according to its meets and Bounds as laid down by James Stuart with all benefits and Advantages thereunto belonging to him and his Heirs or assigns for ever he the said Joseph Reynolds yielding and paying the sum of Forty Pounds Current money that is to say Dollars at Seven Shillings and Six pence and other Silver and Gold at the same reats to be divided as follows Viz'l.
I give and bequeath to my Grand Son Joseph Reynolds Son of John Reynolds deceased Nine Pounds of the above mentioned money and likeways give and bequeath to Each of his brothers and Sisters Six Pounds Each of the above mentioned money which my Son Joseph Reynolds is to pay in one year after my decease, unto Margaret Reynolds, Mother of the above Mentioned Children. My further Will and pleasure is that in case the devision line which which [sic] devides my land should come nearer the head of the Spring which I have bequeathed to my Son Joseph, then six perches than it is my will and pleasure, that One Acre of Land be taken from the Remaining part so as to secure the Spring and dwelling House to my my [sic] Son Joseph provided that the above acre be no more then Six Perches broad lying on the west side of said Spring.
I give and bequeath to my Son Francis Reynolds the other half of all my Lands, with all benefits and Advantages thereunto belonging to him his heirs or assigns forever, providing he the said Francis Reynolds pays to each of my daughters Ann Kain and Rebecah Reynolds the Sum of two Hundred Pounds Current money that is to say Dollars at Seven Shillings and Six pence, and Other Silver and Gold at the same reats, within twelve Months after my decease, to the use of them and their heirs forever.
I also give and bequeath unto my Son Francis Reynolds my Negro Man named Ham my farming Utensils and live Stocks of every kind as also my Household furniture Except Two Beds and Bedsteads with their furniture which I give to my daughter Rebecah Reynolds Some time by past, providing that he the said Francis Reynolds Complays with the foregoing provisor as also the paying of all my just debts and funeral Charges and other charges the Administration, but my Will and pleasure is that in case that my Son Francis Reynolds do not Comply with the paying of my daughters as before described the Sum of four Hundred Pounds and also my just debts and funeral charges with the Expences attending the Administration that then that part of my Lands that I have bequeathed to him as also Negroe Ham with all the farming Utensils and live stock as also the Household furniture as above described be sold at public Sale by the Directions of my Executors and after all Just debts and funeral charges & being first paid, the rest of the Moneys arising from said Sales be divided Amongst said Francis Ann & Rebecah Reynolds in this manner Viz'l. my Son Francis to have to have [sic] one half of all such Moneys the other half to be Equally divided between Ann Kain & Rebecah Reynolds, and if Francis or Rebecah Reynolds die without isue or both of them, then the Legacyes that is bequeathed to Either of them shall be Equally divided amongst the surviving daughters to them their heirs or Assigns forever.
I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Smith Margaret Oseborn & Mary Lemmon as also the heirs of Bridget Rogers the sum of five Shilling Each and no more as I portioned all may daughters off at Marriage and Lastly I do make Constitute and Ordain my Son Joseph Reynolds and my Sons in Law Thomas Smith and David Osborne my whole and Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disanul and revoke all former Wills and Executors Whatsoever Ratifying and Confirming this and no Other as my Last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 22 day of march A.D. One Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty four the word then was interlined between the 14 and 15 lines before the signing & delivering.
his mark
Signed Sealed published and declared by him the said John Reynolds as his last Will and Testament in presence of William Walker, Joseph Morrison, Wm. Good.
On the back of the original will of John Reynolds are the following endorsements:
"Washington County Sst. April 13th, 1784, Came Joseph Reynolds and David Osburne and made oath that the within Instrument of Writing is the true and whole Will & Testament of John Reynolds late of said County deceased that hath come to their hands or possession and that they do not know of any other. And at the said time came William Walker & Joseph Morrison two of the subscribing Witnesses to the Within last Will & Testament of John Reynolds late of said County deceased & severally made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the Testator there in named Sign & Seal this Will, that they heard him publish pronounce and declare the Same to be his Last Will & Testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their appreciation of a Sound and disposing mind Memory & understanding & that they subscribed their names as Witnesses to this Will in the presence and at the request of the Testator and in the presence of each Other, and that they saw William Good do the same.
Certified by Thomas Belt, Regr.
A True and Full Copy, April 20, 1922. John D. Hollyday, Reg. Wills, Washington Co., MD"
The following transcript is from the bible of John and Mary (Reynolds) Wright, in 1928 in the possession of Mr. Nelson Wright Strobridge of Cincinnati, OH. The record and the ancestry entry appeared to have been made in the same handwriting and therefore to have been entered by John Reynolds.
"We are informed that our ancestors, on the Reynolds side, moved from Wales to Ireland. Grandfather when about four years of age, emigrated with his Father Theme (? Thenis, Thenit, Thenie) to Swatara, Pennsylvania where his father purchased property. Grandfather when about a middle aged man, moved to Anteatem, near the Potomac River, Washington Cty Maryland, where he Purchased property & Settled for life. Grandfather Jos Smith, when about Eighteen years old, in company with his Father & family, Emigrated from Ireland to Washington County, MD where they Purchased property on the Anteatem."
Signed John Reynolds
Urbana, June 9th, 1848
The parents of John Reynolds of Urbana, OH,
To wit: Joseph Reynolds & Sarah Smith were married April 5th 1774
The Parents of Jane Reynolds
To wit: Alexdr Lemen & Mary Reynolds were married June 8th 1773
John Reynolds, Son of Jos & Sarah Reynolds, & Jane Lemen, Daughter of Alexdr & Mary Lemen were united in Marriage Nov. 9-1797
Wm. L. Fisher & Sarah, Daughter of Jno & Jane Reynolds were married September 6, 1818
Lemuel Reynolds, son of Jno & Jane Reynolds & Emiline Daughter of Jno & Fisher were married
Revd John F. Wright & Mary, Daughter of John & Jane Reynolds were married March 31, 1825
Jos A. Reynolds, son of Jno & Jane Reynolds & Mary P Daughter of Edwd Tiffin were married
James Shannon & Jane Daughter of John & Jane Reynolds were married June 16th, 1830
Philander B. Ross & Jane R. Daughter of Jno & Jane Reynolds were married Nov. 29, 1835.
Births and Deaths:
Of the Parents of John Reynolds of Urbana, OH viz: Joseph Reynolds son of John Reynolds b. Nov. 10, 1747; d. July 7, 1808
Sarah Smith, Daughter of Joseph Smith and wife of the above named Joseph Reynolds b. Jany 4, 1757; d. Nov. 2, 1821
Birth of the Parents of Jane Reynolds as Follows:
Alexdr Lemen, son of Jno Lemen b. Decr 10, 1738; d. Nov. 2, 1805
Mary Reynolds Daughter of John Reynolds and wife of the above Alexdr Lemen b. March 12, 1752; d. Oct. 21, 1809
Jane Lemen, Daughter of the above Alexdr and Mary Lemen b. July 11, 1777: d.
Children of Joseph and Sarah Reynolds as Follows:
John Reynolds b. April 18, 1775; d. Dec. 21, 1855, aged 80 years 8 mos-3days
Isaac Reynolds b. Oct. 25, 1778; d. May 6, 1848 in the 70th year of his age
Jos Smith Reynolds b. Feb. 26, 1780
Othoes Reynolds b. Aug. 4, 1782; d. say Dec. 4, 1784 being in his 3d year
James Reynolds b. Aug. 12, 1784
Mary Reynolds b. Mar. 7, 1786
Thos Smith Reynolds b. Dec. 7, 1787; d. 1812 in the 25th year of his age
Elizabeth Reynolds b. Aug. 17, 1789; d. Sept. 20, 1815, aged 25 years, 1 mo. 3 days. (Elizabeth, Wife of David S. Bonner)
Sarah Reynolds b. Feb. 24, 1791
Robert Smith Reynolds b. Oct. 11, 1792
Martin Reynolds b. Sep 8, 1795
Samuel Reynolds b. Feb. 27, 1797; d. June 14, 1814 in the 17th year of his age.
Children of John and Jane Reynolds as Follows:
Sarah Reynolds b. Sept. 21, 1798
Leml Reynolds b. July 4, 1800
Jos. Alexdr Reynolds b. Feb. 10, 1802
Isaac Newton Reynolds b. Feby 11, 1804; d. Feb. 21, 1804
Mary Reynolds b. April 14, 1805; d. July 31, 1844, (Mary Wright)
Elizabeth Reynolds b. May 3, 1807
Jane Reynolds b. May 14, 1811; d. Oct. 16, 1844, (Jane Ross)
James Shannon d. Oct. 4, 1832
John R. Shannon Infant son of James and Jane R. Shannon d. Aug. 1833