John and Elizabeth (McKee) Reynolds of Washington Co. Maryland
From RFA Archives and RFA Reynolds Recollections, Nov-Dec 1992
A History of Washington County, Maryland. From earliest settlements to the present time, including A History of Hagerstown, Maryland, by Thomas J.C. Williams. Balto., Regional Publishing Co., 1968 [This may be a reprint]:
The Reynolds Family. Among the many families that Washington co. has contributed toward the building up of the great states that lie beyond the Ohio river one of the most important is that of Reynolds. In this sketch we must limit ourselves to the lineage of a certain John1 Reynolds of "Sharpsburg Hundred," who bought land between the Antietam and the village in 1761, for we cannot find the links that connect this many with any others, although the traditions point to some kinship with the Bakersville family.
The most reliable tradition says that the father of our John1 was an Englishman, married a Welsh lady by the name of Cook or Crooks, and settled in Ireland, near Dublin, where his son [John1] was born and married a Scotch-Irish lady by the name of Elizabeth McKee, and came to America, first to Delaware or Dauphin Co., Pa., and finally bought "Anderson's Delight" 212 acres for L235, 1761, July 1, to which he added later 35 acres of "Abston's Forest."
He1 was born about 1714 and made his will 1784, Mar. 22, which was probated Apr 13 next, out of which some family items can be gathered.
During the Revolution, 1777, Jan 9, John1 Reynolds was appointed by the "committee of observation" to appraise wagons, horses, etc. for Col Joseph Smith's battalion, but he resigned the next week. We will number his children and descendants by families and generations. He had nine as follows:
1. John2 Reynolds m Margaret Smith, of James, and bought of Joseph Smith, 1767, Dec 28, part of "Ward's Spring" and part of "Resurvey on Elwick's Dwelling", adding to it later. This was near his father's and near to James and Joseph Smith. See Smith Family.
1775, Sep 18, the committee of observation ordered certain persons to "carry the association to all freemen resident in the district and require their subscription to the same", which signified the securing of the cooperation of the citizens in the Revolutionary plans of Congress. John2 Reynolds Jr., was ordered to do this at Sharpsburg. At the meeting of the committee, 1776, Feb 19, he was recommended for the appointment of Captain of the 36th battalion, and in June he was appointed captain of the 1st battalion of "the Flying Camp," and Dec 10, captain of the 7th Maryland.
Having a family of 7 children, [See below] Capt. John2 resigned his commission, 1777, Dec 28, and two years later, 1779, Mar 17, he sold out and started with his wife and children for KY, but was killed by Indians and his family were taken into captivity. See pages 100-102, vol. 1. [See also Frontier Mother for a complete story of their terrible experiences with the Indians and final restoration to home and friends. Note, however, that William was the youngest, not the oldest of the children, and did not settle in Baltimore; it was his cousin, Isaac, that went there in 1800. A much more extended account of this captivity was published in the "Western Christian Advocate," Cincinnati, OH, 1835, May 1, 8, 15, and 22.]
2. Elizabeth Reynolds m Thomas Smith - see Smith Family - and died after 1803, Nov 23.
3. Joseph Reynolds, born 1747, Nov 10, died 1808, Jul 7, in OH, m Sarah Smith, 1774, Apr [cannot read - poor photocopy].
4. Francis Reynolds appears on the roll of the 7th regiment, 1780, Nov 1st.
5. Anna Reynolds m Kain.
6. Rebecca Reynolds m McCracken.
7. Margart Reynolds m Osborne.
8. Mary Jane Reynolds m Alexander, --mon, from whom came Governor Vance and Member of Congress of Ohio and Vances and --mons of Urbano OH.
9. Bridget Reynolds m Rogers, and nearly all have descendants living in the --st.
by O. Glenn Stahl
In RFA Reynolds Recollections, Nov-Dec 1992
N. Quincy MA: Christopher Pub. House, 1979. [NGS CS71.R464.1979, abstracted 1986 by SRT]: Recounts experiences of a Reynolds family during its migration effort in 1779 by riverboat from Western Maryland to a region known as Kentucky. Recorded information on these events were published in "The Torch Light," a Hagerstown, MD, newspaper in 1835, based on recollections of one of the surviving Reynolds children [Elizabeth], told when she was 64 years old.
John Reynolds m (Washington) MD Margaret ____. Children:
1. Joseph Reynolds (eldest) taken by Indians separately to Canada in 1779.
2. Sarah Reynolds, age 9 in 1779.
3. Thomas Reynolds, age 4½ in 1779.
4. John Reynolds (age 6 when other Indians took him from main party, 1779).
5. Mary Reynolds (older than Elizabeth).
6. Elizabeth Reynolds (youngest girl) age 8 at capture; kept by Indians in (Logan) OH, 1779, until ransomed.
7. William Reynolds (youngest) few months over age 3 at capture; kept by Indians in (Logan) OH, 1779, until ransomed.
John Reynolds served in Rev. War as captain. Started for KY Sep 1778. Margaret's 31st birthday was 25 Mar 1779. John was killed ca. late April 1779 by Indians. Rest of party taken by Indians (2 families and Reynoldses and others). Elizabeth named uncles, Joseph Reynolds and Robert Smith of (Washington) MD. Oct 1779. Mrs. John Reynolds was released at Fort Detroit, free of the Indians; when she arrived at the Fort she had only 3 of her 7 children with her: the eldest girl, Mary, 11; the 2nd girl, Sarah, 9; and Thomas 4½. Nearly four months after separation, Elizabeth was ransomed and returned to her mother, Dec 1779. John was returned to his mother by a white man who had redeemed him. About this time, Mrs. Reynolds knew the location of all her children; she was technically a prisoner of war of the British. William was returned to Mrs. Reynolds in mid-Dec 1779. The officers paid his redemption. Joseph was taken by a Canadian tribe, an old Wyandot Chief who so liked him he adopted Joseph and designated Joseph to succeed him as Chief. Mrs. Reynolds had been allowed to cross the river and visit him. Mrs. Reynolds with help from several "stole" (the Indian's complaint) Joseph back in late summer 1780. There was a British captain Reynolds at Fort Detroit who told Mrs. Reynolds he had been born in Maryland. After 18 months, Mrs. Reynolds and her children were placed on a ship for Montreal by the British Fort Commander. They returned to Western Maryland. Mrs. Reynolds remarried in 1785 William Baird. Margaret Reynolds Baird was author's wife's gr-gr-gr-grandmother. Mrs. Reynolds had 2 children by Mr. Baird, one of whom was Frances and is the one through whom author's wife descends. A brother of Capt. John, [not named] enraged by their experiences devoted almost all his life to revenge, becoming one of the most celebrated Indian fighters of the area.
"The Torch Light," a Hagerstown, MD, newspaper in 1835
"Western Christian Advocate," Cincinnati, OH, 1835, May 1, 8, 15, and 22.
A History of Washington County, Maryland. From earliest settlements to the present time, including A History of Hagerstown, Maryland, by Thomas J.C. Williams. Balto., Regional Publishing Co., 1968 [This may be a reprint]
Frontier Mother, by O. Glenn Stahl. N. Quincy MA: Christopher Pub. House, 1979. [NGS CS71.R464.1979]