To: bcc: From: [email] Subject: Application for RFA I would like to submit the following Application to the Reynolds Family Association! Name: [saluatation] [firstname] [middlename] [lastname] [suffix] Address: [address] [city] [state] [zipcode] Telephone: [telephone] Email: [email] Date of Birth: [dob] Are you a computer user? [Computer_User_Yes] [Computer_User_No] [PC_User] [Apple_User] Do you have internet access? [Internet_Yes] [Internet_No] High Speed Internet Connection? [High_Speed_Yes] [High_Speed_No] [DSL] [Cable] [Web_TV] Are you a Former Member of the RFA? [Former_Yes] [Former_No] What Genealogy Software Program do you use? [software] I am interested in assisting with the following: [interested1] [interested2] [interested3] [interested4] [interested5] [interested6] Earliest Know Ancestor: [earliest] How did you hear about the RFA? [how] Are you a member of the Reynolds Project YDNA? If so What Marker are you tested at? [dna] Other Genealogy Societies you belong to. [society] Are you a prior member of the RFA? [priormembr] Comments: [comments]